Swinefleet Primary School

Swinefleet Primary School

*Show Empathy *Be Honest *Show Initiative *Be Responsible *Show Respect *Be Supportive

Low Street, Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, DN14 8BX






Safeguarding Overview

What does the term Safeguarding mean?

Safeguarding encompasses all aspects of keeping children safe and ensuring they feel safe. At Swinefleet Primary School, we are committed to to ensuring that we do our upmost to keep our children safe even if this means challenging other agencies to ensure that we support every child. Every member of our team has Safeguarding and First Aid training and updates to polices and Government documentation are shared with everyone including our school Governors.

Safeguarding includes:

  • Ensuring that our site is safe and secure.

  • Following Health and Safety procedures and policies.

  • Promoting good behaviour and protecting children from bullying, racism and discrimination.

  • Teaching the children how to stay safe, be healthy, make positive contributions and the skills needed for life.

  • Ensuring that we meet the needs of all children including those with medical conditions.

  • Child protection and welfare and ensuring that we identify and respond to any concerns.

  • Working with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

  • Ensuring that people who work or volunteer in the school are suitable and have had all necessary checks, are given regular training and are supported and supervised to safeguard the children.

 Parents Safety Net- keeping children safe online during summer hoildays.pdfDownload
 Swinefleet Primary School Strategic Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2022-23.pdfDownload
 Swinefleet Primary School Whistle Blowing Guidance 2022-23.docxDownload
 September 2021 Strategic Child Protection Safeguarding Policy Swinefleet Primary School(1).pdfDownload
 important-contact-details-for-parents (1).pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Child Protection

Child protection and welfare is at the heart of our school and we as a team do everything we can to ensure that our pupils are safe and well cared for. The school has policies and procedures in place which all staff and Governors follow. The whole team, including Governors, receive regular updates to policies and procedures and receive training. Child protection and welfare procedures and policy knowledge is checked regularly by the school leadership team. Any concerns raised are recorded and monitored and referrals to agencies are made if needed. Staff are encouraged to report any concerns even if they feel these are minor as the welfare of our pupils is paramount.

Any concerns regarding staff members or volunteers would be referred to East Riding Child Protection and LADO.

The school works closely with other agencies and as a school we will challenge if we have any concerns regarding a child's welfare. Children are also taught about their needs and what a safe environment looks like through work with the NSPCC.

Who can I Contact if I am Concerned?

East Riding Children's Safeguarding Team

(Open cases) - 01482 396842


East Riding Child Protection and LADO for schools (allegations against staff and volunteers)

LADO 01482 392139

Emergency Duty Team

(Out of hours) - 01377 241273


Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH)

Child Protection initial referrals, support and advice and urgent Child Protection concerns - 01482 395500

School Designated Safeguarding Lead and Child Protection Officer

Miss Laura Bishell-Wells (Headteacher) 01405 704386


Deputy Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer

Mrs Alison Risebury (School Business Manager) 01405 704386


Child Protection Governor and Chair of Governors

Mrs Kate Cusick 01405 704386


Health and Safety Governor

Mr Neill Moffat & Mr Tim Briggs 01405 704386


Our Site

As a school we continually evaluate our site to ensure that it is safe and secure. The school has met with a Safeguarding officer and had a walk around the site to ensure this. The school's gates and fences are checked and the main entrance is secured so that access can only be gained when authorised by staff. At the start and end of the day a member of staff is on the playground to ensure that children are safe and that nobody enters the school unauthorised. The school also has CCTV.

Play equipment is regularly checked to ensure that is is in a suitable condition and safe to use.


If you would like to know more then please contact the school office and ask for Miss Bishell-Wells or Mrs Risebury 01405 704386


Teaching to Keep Children Safe

As part of our school curriculum we teach the children how to stay safe and look after themselves. Lessons are taught by staff and outside agencies and charities.

Children are taught about specific safety issues connected with our site e.g. the field is only used by our school during the day and all gates must be closed. Children are taught to report anyone they see trying to access the field when in use by the school.

Pupils are also taught about healthy eating, their needs and safe environments by the NSPCC, E-safety, life skills through Enterprise Projects, Sex Education, British Values and Child Rights, Pedestrian skills, Healthy Lifestyles, Anti-bullying and what to do if they are worried. The school regularly carries out fire drills and encourages relationships with emergency services including the police.

Health and Safety

The school is regularly checked from a Health and Safety aspect and this is logged. The school must address any issues that are identified.

Mr Neill Moffat is our Health and Safety Governor.


First Aid

All members of staff are First Aid trained and this is regularly updated.

Any incidents or near misses are logged.


Useful Links

Government Safeguarding Page


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