Swinefleet Primary School

Swinefleet Primary School

*Show Empathy *Be Honest *Show Initiative *Be Responsible *Show Respect *Be Supportive

Low Street, Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, DN14 8BX



Diamonds (Y3 & Y4)

Diamonds (Years 3 & 4)


Who teaches us?

Miss Chiswell teaches the class in Diamonds, with Mrs Moffat and Mrs Dexter working alongside.

Work is carefully matched to the individual and their ability and additional support is put in place to challenge or aid each child when needed. 


  In Diamonds, we are expected to always: 

  • Read at least 3 times a week   
  • Practise our spellings.
  • Practise TT Rockstars.

 As a school we are all working towards a reading target and we earn rewards for reading. We also can earn individual rewards.

Subscriptions you can use at home:

Top marks (hit the button)

BBC Bitesize (Free access)

TT Rockstars.



Diamonds will be swimming at Goole Leisure Centre on a Monday morningOn a Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, children will be with Hull FC.  

Children are asked to bring their P.E kits to get changed at P.E time in school and to have their P.E kits in school all week.


Geography Knowledge Organiser

Science Knowledge Organiser

Book Warmer

Medium Term Plan Summer Term 2

Medium Term Plan Summer Term 1

Medium Term Plan Spring Term 1 

Autumn Term Knowledge Organisers 

Medium Term Plan Autumn Term 2

Parent Presentation 13.09.23

Links to the National Curriculum:

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